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Mobile Applications Module

The eLisa suite includes several mobile applications providing field operators with real-time management capability on operations.

All these applications are multilingual and compatible with Android, Windows, and iOS.

They are available on industrial tablets and smartphones, including ATEX models.


« My Train » Application

The My Train application is intended for operators on factory railway tracks. It allows the recognition of wagons and their verifications using a control checklist. But it also allows the visualization of wagons by product and offers a general view of the synoptic for safety.

eLisa MyTrain
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The "My Train" application allows :


Centralized management

Multi-sites, multi-profiles

SAP & Plannification integration

Graphical wagon synoptic

Control list with problems reporting

MyTrain : How does it work ?

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« My Truck » Application

The "My Truck" application is intended for factory operators. It makes it possible to make a census of all the trucks, both waiting and in the factory. It also makes it possible to check the trucks using checklists including the declaration of anomaly and the taking of a photo.

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The "My Truck" application allows :

Centralized management

Multi-sites, multi-profiles

SAP & Plannification integration

Synchronization between operator and office

Control list with problems reporting

Tablette industrielle-01.png

« PayLoader » Application

The "PayLoader" application is intended for loaders and operators. It allows you to track the load. From product selection to quantities to load, everything connected and centralized in real time. This application also allows the loader to have an overview of the trucks to be loaded and can also allow the trucks to be called to the loading stations when these are available.


« MinOp » Application

The "MinOp" application is intended for loaders of crushed products in stone quarries. It allows you to track the load. From product selection to quantities to load, everything connected and centralized in real time. This application also allows the loader to have an overview of the trucks to be loaded and can also allow the trucks to be called to the loading stations when these are available.

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