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Dedicated to transport by Truck, it includes the specificities related to different type of transport, conditioning and product.

eLisa is constantly evolving to adapt to the specific needs of the field.

The road Module is the result of several years of experience and is enriched with each new installation. It integrates all the operational and regulatory key elements currently enforced on logistics and transport.

This module make it possible to automate, facilitate, optimize and secure (un)loading operations within the factory.

To do this, it offers the following features :

The Road Module can be combined with the appointment, safety and security modules as well as with the mobile application for truck control !


Time saving

The time spent by the drivers on site is not negligible, and any delay is often re-invoiced by the carrier. This can represent a significant costs for the factory.

eLisa offers tools to manage and optimize waiting times :

  • An appointment verification system : Drivers who arrive late or early should not penalize those who arrive on time.

  • The traceability of the operational time required at each stage of the loading process : Waiting time, inspection time, loading times, closing time, total time spent on site, etc.

  • Statistical reports on waiting times by carrier

Controlled waiting times

Simplification of administrative formalities. For example : drivers check-in at an interactive and multilingual terminal.

Simplification of the administrative work of the guards : Transport information (drivers, tractors, trailer, order, etc) is already identified, encoded and checked when the driver arrives at the guard lodge.

This implies less stress at peak times, increased reception capacity and avoids entry errors.

Simplified Truck Control

eLisa has a mobile application allowing an operator or a guad ro carry out multiple checks of vehicles, transports, loads, ...

The information is recorded in real time and makes it possible to continue or interrupt operations.


eLisa manages all the security aspects of your factory :

  • Identification and control of the driver and his vehicles

  • Access control in the factory and for specific areas

  • Amount of vehicles allowed simultaneously in the factory / loading areas

  • The suitability of the truck in relation to the product and the quantity to be loaded (multi-tanks, ...)

  • Compliance with the road transport legislation

  • ...

Loading optimization

  • Payload : recalculation of the loadable quantities based on the order, the tare wight of the truck and taking into account the legislation

  • Alert in case of foreseeable underload or overload

Modularity of the application

In order to easily adapt to all environments, from the simplest to the most complex, eLisa is based on a modular architecture.

eLisa can be installed in stand-alone, a non-integrated mode : All entries will be made in the application, without interaction with any field equipment or any external system.

In integrated mode, eLisa can interact with various equipment or systems such as :

  • Weighing bridge, access control, loading systems, ERP, ...

  • All information is centralized, recorded in real time and  therefore available / shared with the various stakeholders in the plant.

Multiple means of identification

In addition to the classic RFID badge or the permanent badge, eLisa offes several modern means of identification such as :

- Barcode printing on registration document / picking list

- Generation of a temporary and random pin code specific to the transport/transaction

- Reading of vehicle plates

- ...

Registration Kiosk


Increased reception capacity

Very often, the workload of the drivers registration on site is far from negligible.

Moreover, the language barrier is a daily problem. Usually you need :

  • Check the driver's identity

  • Registration of the tractor, trailer and container plates

  • Identification of the order and the transport related to the transaction

  • Validation of the date and time of the appointment

  • Communication of the safety instructions, the factory map and the location of the stores and loading areas.

All these formalities can be simplified by the use of interactive kiosk, through which drivers register as soon as they arrive.

Control & Security

  • The driver identifies himself at the terminal and mentions the reference number for which he presents himself

  • If the loading is authorized, a registration document is printed, on which the driver will find clear instructions, as well as a reminder of safety instructions on the site.

  • If the driver is early or late, or if for some reason the loading is blocked, the driver is notified of the problem and an alert is also generated.

  • The touch kiosk also allows the driver to follow a safety training, including images, texts, videos, etc. The safety training is related to the person's profile (drivers, visitors, subcontractors, etc.). Each training can include an exam/questionnaire to validate/record the driver's knowledge

  • Once the registration at the kiosk is completed, the driver can go the the guard lodge to obtain a badge and continue the loading process.

100% self-service mode

On some sites, the use of terminals goes well beyond the identification of the driver and his vehicle. It's the whole process of registration, access, weighing and loading which is automated by interactive terminals/kiosks.

The drivers thus come to load in self-service, without any human intervention, including the edition of the transport documents.

It goes without saying that security is not neglected, and that  solid verification are put in place to ensure that only expected drivers are accepted on the site, and that they are respecting loading procedures.

Truck Calling


eLisa manages several queues organised by loading point in the plant. It is combined with a truck call system. The aim is to optimise the flow of trucks according to the availability of loading and unloading points. In addition, it restricts access to the plant to only the trucks that are to be processed, ensuring greater safety.

Trucks can be called up from the plant's external parking or from any of the plant's buffer parking.

To achieve this, eLisa integrates various call systems :

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Indoor/Outdoor displays

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Screen in a waiting room

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Driver supplied with a beeper

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Notification sent to the driver's smartphone

Access Control

Access Control

Portail Nord - vue d ensemble

Entrance to the site

eLisa can directly manage the access terminals and barriers or it can interface with an existing access control system.

Several modern mean of identification of the driver / truck are possible, such as :


Permanent, temporary and random  Pin Code

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Permanent badge,

RFID badge or Barcode


License plates recognition

In order to ensure effective access control, a series of checks are carried out before authorizing access to the driver :


  • Validation of the transport data, driver certifications, tractor & trailer information (mainly for ADR).

  • Validation of the driver's registration, verification of the order and compliance with the appointment.

  • Verification of the driver blacklist


  • If necessary, a check that the truck is called by the system and allowed to enter the site.

Access to different areas of the site


eLisa can also manage internal access control to the factory, allowing only the trucks concerned to be authorized in certain areas.

Exit of the site

The factory is directly responsible if an outgoing truck is not compliant with the legal requirements, or simply if the loaded product does not comply with the order. eLisa allows several checks to be carried out ensuring the conformity of the loading :

  • Verification based on weighing ; the system can automatically validate  that the quantities loaded correspond to the quanitties ordered

  • Checking the maximum authorized weight : overloaded truck cannot exit the site.

  • Validation of the loaded products based on the order.

  • Verification of the compliance with the different loading procedures including the printing of the transport documents.

ADR Control

ADR Control


Specific controls are available for hazardous materials :

  • Validity date of the control for the tanks & tractrors.

  • Verification between the type of trailer and the product loaded.

  • Validation of the truck signage (ADR plates mentioning the UN code and the danger code).

  • Validity date of the driver's ADR certification.

A mobile application has been developed to facilitate the truck checks :

Truck Weighing


The eLisa solution directly interface weighing bridges and indicators from different suppliers.

The management of a weighing bridge includes :

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The checking of the truck's position on the bridge thanks to the detection cell

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The barriers placed at the entrance / exit of the bridge

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The stability of the weight or the loss of a zero.

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The traffic light authorizing the truck to enter the bridge

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The Printing of a weigh ticket


Among the weighing bridges already interfaced, let us quote :

  • Mettler Toledo

  • Sartorius

  • Precia Molen

  • Bilancia

  • Arpège Master K

  • Shenck

  • Flintab

  • ...

Other bridges can be interfaced with the development of a specific connector.

Weigh bridges can also be equipped with eLisa interactive terminals allowing extended functionnalities.

Example of a list of features offered by an eLisa interactive Kiosk :

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Truck indentification

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Positioning verification and graphic indication

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Encoding intermediate weighing and product identification

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Calculation of the maximal loadable weight

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Printing the weighing ticket and / or other documents

External System Intefaces


ERP interfaces

eLisa's commercial expedition include various data such as :

  • The main carrier or subcontractor chartered

  • The destination of the order (customer, country, mode of transport)

  • The product(s) : product, quantity, location, adr characteristics, etc.

  • Specific instructions (delivery / loading instructions, mandatory weight, specific batch).

All of this data very often exists in an ERP and can be retrieved in eLisa via a computer interface.

Moreover, several data such as the confirmation of loading can also be sent back to the ERP.

Access Control interface

Elisa can manage the truck traffic in the site thanks to the access control system interface.


Several interface mode are possible :

  • Direct management : eLisa manges barriers in real time

  • Management by an external system : eLisa transmits entry / exit authorizations to a centralized access control system.

Among the systems already interfaced, let us quote :

  • Honeywell

  • Siemens

  • Kaba Exos

  • Extralis

  • IDTech

  • Différents types de badges: Stid, Mifare, EM4550, HID

Industrial equipment interfaces

  • Weigh bridges

  • Internal / external truck call displays

  • Traffic lights

  • Automatic barriers

  • Loading machines & volumeter

    • Standard: Modbus, OPC & Scada (Wincc), PI

    • Owner: tailor-made interface

  • Camera Systems

  • Temperature probes

  • ...

eLisa Office


eLisa Office is a transaction management software and is used by various key users on their workstations (PC, tablets, etc).

It is available in Windows or Web version.

It allows to manage the various transactions, to control and modify the information

It ensures the operational and real-time monitoring of transactions, as well as editing the various documents, reports and statistics.

To each their jobs !

eLisa integrates several user profiles with specific access rights related to the operational needs and authorization.

Here is a list of the user profiles defined as standard :

Guard Profile

The guards are responsible for the registration and the control of the drivers on site.

All drivers identified at the registration kiosk can go to the guard lodge to receive a badge.


Guards can also validate the security training and provide checks on incoming and outgoing vehicles.

The guard profile has immediate access to all current transactions.

It can also handle the truck calling.

 Logistic office Profile

The logistic office provides the link between all the different actors in the site (guards, loaders, charterers, transporters, etc.)

They manages all transactions, either commercial or others and they take care of the various problems (orders, stocks, overloads, ...)

Once the transaction is completed, the logistic office will perform the validations (products, quantity, batches, etc), close the transaction and deliver the transport document to the driver.

Loader profile

The loader have a precise view of the activity planned for the day sector by sector as well as an overview of all the loads already carried out.

The administrator profile has access to all the features of the application. It can manage parameters, alarms as well as reference data (carriers, drivers, trucks, trailers, loading areas, etc).

Administrator Profile

Consultation Profile

This profile has a read-only access to all transaction information.

He cannot modify or create anything. It has an overview of all site activity and report.

The access rights or the different profiles cans be adapted according to the operating mode of the site.

New profile can also be added.

eLisa office web screenshots

Main screen of the eLisa office application. With several search criteria it allows the visualization of current / past or future transactions.

Depending on the user profile, the key user has access to various functionalities (truck calling, alarms, administrations, etc).

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Detail screen of a truck transaction where you find all the information related to the driver, the truck, the order and the appointment at the factory. This screen also allowing the monitoring of the different stages and operations of (un)loading, including real-time weighing.

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